Watch engagement soar with Facebook video ads

More shares, comments, and likes with branded Facebook video ads from Videolab
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Trusted brands trust Videolab for UGC Creative

Skyrocket sales with Facebook videos that grab attention.

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Why work with Videolab for your Facebook video ads?

Quality content

Our verified UGC talent pool create high-quality Facebook content your brand can be proud of—from testimonials and promotions to product-in-use and unboxing videos. You’re going to love the Videolab difference.

Lower CPA

At Videolab, we lower your CPA by 37% on average. If you’ve overpaid for Facebook video ads in the past, you deserve a pro team without the film crew or brand ambassador prices. Let us show you how we work.

Boosted ROAS

Getting a stronger return on your Facebook ad spend starts with the right strategy. Our seven-part UGC framework scales brands rapidly and predictably—resulting in a ROAS that five times higher than other agencies.

Higher conversions. Better engagement.

Meet your audience where they are and watch sales grow. Ready?
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