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How To Use UGC Video Marketing To Create A More Authentic Brand Image

Jasmine Youssefzadeh
November 30, 2023

Use A Proper UGC Video Platform

Building a business is never easy. It takes time, effort, and using the right tools. When it comes to using UGC video to boost your brand’s authentic image, you need the right UGC video platform.

An inferior platform can undermine any work you do by displaying poor-quality images. Out-of-focus images and other problems will keep your bounce rate up high. Your business will not be as successful as you hoped.

By employing some of the following tips and strategies, you should be able to avoid the bounce rate and help your business become a success. Take the time to go through these tips and see which ones will help you the most.

What Is UGC Video Marketing?

User-generated video content is another way to sell your products to your target audience. It is using videos that your satisfied customers have made and submitted to your website for a variety of reasons.

Some of those reasons are to receive rewards, gifts, recognition, and so on. What UGC video marketing does is replace the brand’s videos with testimonials from happy customers.

Your target audience already knows that brand videos are designed to sell them something. Replacing them with UGC video content is a way to market your products without trying to sell your target audience anything.

This content shows your target audience and potential customers real-time use of your product, as well as showing everyone that your product works, is durable, and looks good.

UGC videos are selling your fashion line and improving your brand’s image without trying to seem like you are selling or over-hyping your products. It is an authentic method to show your products and store can be trusted.

Why Is It Important To Build A More Authentic Brand Image?

It is important as the better your brand’s image, the better your sales should be. Being authentic means people can trust your website, your products, and your checkout process.

Without trust, you will not have many customers to sell to and that means you will go out of business very soon. Being authentic is key to your business’s success.

To build authenticity, using user-generated video content helps your target audience see real people using your products and being completely satisfied with your fashion brand.

Real people equals real experiences and the latter translates into a great marketing tool. These UGC videos also stay away from the polished look brand videos present to their target audiences.

There is just something authentic when the video includes real testimonials and reviews with warts and all. This authenticity helps drive sales which is one of your business goals.

How To Identify And Create High-Quality UGC Videos For Your Brand?

All the criteria mentioned here will work for both identifying and generating high-quality UGC videos.

1. Passion- If the UGC video creator has a lot of passion for the products they buy, that will translate into high-quality videos. Passion motivates one to do their best.

2. Honesty- The video needs to be honest about the products, the store, and the checkout process. You should be able to detect the difference between honest UGC videos and not-so-honest ones.

3. Engaging- Do the videos you see and create engage the viewer? If not, then they are generally not high-quality videos and can be ignored

4. Storytelling- Do the videos you view and create tell a very interesting story? One that you or your target audience want to share? Without a good story, the quality of the video is going to be quite low.

5. Value- Does the video provide value to the viewers? This is an important tip as people are tired of being ‘sold to’ by top brands.

Tips For Responding To Negative UGC Videos To Save Your Brand

Not all UGC video content will be positive. You have to get used to that idea and learn how to handle the negative videos as well as you do the positive ones. Here are a few tips to get you started

1. Monitor And Moderate- This applies to all of your social media accounts, websites, and other outlets where customer feedback is published. Do not be afraid to reject any UGC video content that contradicts your company’s values or violates your business’ policies.

2. Respond And Resolve- There are many reasons why people place negative comments in their UGC videos. The key is not to ignore them. You need to respond to the creator and work towards a solution that resolves the problem.

3. Learn And Improve- Use the negative feedback to see where you can make improvements to your products, customer service, navigation, and even the checkout process. Negative feedback, when legitimate, lets you know where current problems lie and need your attention.

The Future Of Your Brand With UGC Video Marketing

The use of user-generated videos is on the rise and it is predicted to continue rising for a long time to come. Your brand can have a great future using UGC video marketing if you implement the information already mentioned above.

How you manage your UGC video content, the quality of their content as well as handling the negative ones will play a role in your brand’s success or failure. You need to make sure you identify and create high-quality UGC videos so that your target audience will spread the good news about your products, etc., and not the bad news.

With proper video selection and honest content, your brand will seem authentic to your viewers and potential customers. After that, you just keep working to improve their experience and turn them into loyal returning customers.

Don’t ignore the bad or negative UGC video content. Those reviews can help you spot troubled spots and make improvements that should erase those negative comments and replace them with positive ones.

Your brand’s future will be on your shoulders and how you implement user-generated video content. Make sure to filter out the bad UGC video content to give yourself a fighting chance at success.

Original UGC Videos, Made for Your Product

Don't hesitate, start now! Plus, we're offering a one-time offer: get your first video for $250 (or free) when you upgrade to a quarterly plan after, so you have nothing to lose!

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