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TikTok UGC

UGC TikTok Ads Best Practices

Jasmine Youssefzadeh
February 24, 2024

Creating UGC Tik Tok Videos

You may think that creating UGC video content for TikTok is a complicated affair. The good news is that creating any user-generated video content for TikTok is the same as creating them for other social media outlets.

All the basic elements are the same. Your UGC video content needs to be honest, true, authentic, and filmed in top-quality pixels, etc. Then your ugc video needs to meet TikTok’s standards and guidelines so make sure you familiarize yourself with those rules.

There is more good news. You have a variety of UGC video styles you can choose to represent your business or service. Keep reading to learn about UGC TikTok ads and their best practices

Types Of UGC Videos

Creativity is not going to be a problem when you create or secure user-generated video content. The following types of TikTok videos will enable you to pick the best approach for your business.

1. The Before & After Video- These videos are the same as those ads for weight loss plans. Just show your target audience how much your customers have changed after using your products.

2. Create A Challenge- This could be a dance step, climbing a mountain, or whatever you want to challenge your viewers to do. Just remember to keep it safe and well within the realm of reason.

3. Hold A Contest- Provide the rules and advertise the reward for following them.

4. Create A Tutorial- Intelligently explaining how to use a product or service is a great way to convert viewers into customers.

5. Film Reactions- This is a great way to capture your audience’s attention. Seeing how others react to your products is a great marketing tool.

6. Us Vs. Them- Comparison videos, if honest, always work out well if you do them right. Compare your products with competitors to show the difference between them and how yours is better, more affordable, etc.

How To Create Tiktok UGC Videos

Now that you know the types of user-generated content videos you can create for TikTok, there is a method to how you create them. The following suggestions can be used individually or together to help you create a compelling video that holds your audience’s attention and then converts them into paying customers.

1. Create A Hook

This is essential to develop as it is the way to grab and hold your audience’s attention. One of the best ways to create a compelling hook is to ask questions and make promises.

This method is one of the best ways to engage your audience and build trust in your business. Other hook options include:

Reverse loop

 Social proof

 Comparisons with competitors

 Use a TikTok trend

 Create a video that your viewers like

2. Create A Problem

In the video, your UGC creators can talk about a problem they had and how your product solved it. This leads to introducing your product and how it works.

In addition to that information, you can describe the benefits that come with buying and using your products.

3. Call To Action Or CTA

Your UGC video content should be innovative, and creative but not unrealistic or make the creator look weird. Have them make it catchy, interesting, and compelling at the same time. Or create your own call to action to add to their UGC video content

Some ideas for a good CTA include:

 Offer a free trial

 Swipe up

 Draw attention to your links

 Encourage your audience to follow to receive more interesting videos

UGC Tik Tock Videos' Best Practices

One of the best practices everyone needs is the hook. This has been discussed previously in this article so all that will be said is to study up on how to present a great hook and adapt the information to your user-generated video content.

Then before you do your filming or select the best UGC video, make sure the content will address the following questions:

 What issues do your products address?

 Will your products make your customers’ lives easier?

 What benefits come with your products or services?

Make sure to pick the right UGC video creators. This is as important as choosing the right type of UGC video and using the right methods. The wrong UGC partner can ruin your marketing strategy and plans very quickly.

Make sure that all of your UGC creators or partners a a clear content guideline list so they know what to do. Work with the best so all your UGC video content runs smoothly and is honest as well as authentic.

Finally, take some time to analyze the look of your UGC TikTok videos. How the content looks will either persuade your viewers to buy or discourage them from buying your products.

The elements involved in making your TikTok video look great include but are not limited to:

 Having a great-looking background

 Include props that go with your products, etc.

 Dress nicely, comb your hair, and look clean

 Use the best lighting possible, cut the shadows out

When your user-generated video content looks good, then you and your business look good. The goal here is to make your videos look as close to being professional as you can.

Amateur hour videos just won’t cut it in the highly competitive business world. All of these points will help you filter out the many UGC videos submitted to you. You want the best of the best as the UGC video content represents you and your company. Always put your best foot forward.

Some Additional Words

When you are stuck creating your UGC TikTok videos, then contact our company. We have the experience and know how to help you put your best foot forward and make a splash on TikTok.

Contact us today and see what we can do for you. Put our expertise to work for you so that your business looks great and is trusted.

Original UGC Videos, Made for Your Product

Don't hesitate, start now! Plus, we're offering a one-time offer: get your first video for $250 (or free) when you upgrade to a quarterly plan after, so you have nothing to lose!

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